Actress Nilu Kohli who has featured in a number of Television series and Bollywood films like Dil Kya Kare, her husband Harminder Singh Kohli passed away on March 24. This incident happened on Friday afternoon in Mumbai after he returned from Gurudwara.


According to a report from Navbharat times, Harminder Singh Kholi was healthy but after coming from the Gurudwara in the afternoon, he fell in the washroom, and at the time of this incident only a house help was there. By the time he could be taken to the hospital, it was too late.

Nilu Kohli’s friend Vandana shared the news with Navbharat times and revealed that he had diabetes but nothing serious, everything happened suddenly and said, “It is about 1.30 pm today. He went to the Gurudwara in the morning and came. He came back, went to the bathroom, and collapsed there. He only had a helper at home. He was also preparing to eat so that if he comes now, he will have lunch, but it was too late, so he thought that he might have gone to sleep somewhere in the room. If not found in the room, then looked in the bathroom. He didn't lock the bathroom door. When I looked inside, he was lying dead.”

The actress’ friend also revealed that the last rites of Nilu Kohli’s husband Harminder Singh Kohli will take place on Sunday as the family is waiting for their son to return.

Nilu Kohli’s daughter confirmed the news and while speaking to ETimes she said, “Yes, it is true. It happened this afternoon. It was a sudden death. The last rites will happen two days from now as my brother is in the Merchant Navy and we are waiting for him. My mom is not in a good condition. She was out for some work when the incident happened."

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