Shraddha Kapoor is on a roll. After delivering the biggest blockbuster of the year- Stree 2, the actress is now reportedly becoming Akshay Kumar's new neighbour. As Hindustan Times reported, Shraddha is apparently renting Hrithik Roshan’s current residence, the Rs 100-crore sea-facing apartment in Juhu. In the same building, Akshay lives in a luxurious duplex apartment with his family. So now Shraddha will be neighbours with Akshay, his author wife Twinkle Khanna and their children. As per the media reports, Shraddha would be paying Rs 10-15 lakhs monthly rent. 


Interestingly, Akshay Kumar had a special cameo in Shraddha's latest blockbuster, and now he will also become her neighbour. Earlier there were reports that Varun Dhawan would move into Hrithik’s apartment with his wife Natasha Dalal and their newborn daughter. However, it looks like the deal reportedly got cancelled between Varun and the owner. For the unversed, Varun also made a special cameo in Sree 2. 

Varun reprised his role of Bhediya in the latest blockbuster and also tried to woo Kapoor in the movie. Akshay Kumar has also joined Maddock Horror Universe. In the post-credit scene, Akshay's character is revealed to be the next big baddie of the universe. In the mid-credit scene, Varun dropped the hints of the next film, Vampires of Vijaynagar, which is reportedly helmed by Ayushmann Khurrana. 

About Stree 2 

Released in the cinemas on August 15, directed by Amar Kaushik, the horror comedy Stree 2 is unstoppable at the box office. Rajkummar Rao, Shraddha Kapoor, Aparshakti Khurana, Abhishek Banerjee, and Pankaj Tripathi-starrer has crossed the Rs 500-crore mark at the worldwide box office. As Sacnilk reported, Stree 2 has grossed Rs 576 crores worldwide. 

Stree 2 is the fourth instalment in the Maddock supernatural universe after Stree, Bhediya, and Munjya. Varun Dhawan reprises his role as Bhediya in a surprise cameo in the sequel. Apart from Varun, Akshay Kumar and Tamannaah Bhatia are also seen making cameo appearances in the horror comedy.

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