Megastar Amitabh Bachchan’s quiz show Kaun Banega Crorepati has welcomed several celebrity guests apart from participants over time. Mostly celebrities from the sports and entertainment industry have sat on the hot seat with the megastar and entertained the audience. Interestingly, the multi-millionaire Ambani family had also been part of the game show, along with their 50, 000 members on the occasion of their 40th anniversary of Reliance Industries. 


A special episode of Kaun Banega Reliance Mahagyani with Amitabh as host was organised with Ambani’s scions Akash Ambani, Isha Ambani, and Anant Ambani as guests. The siblings were faced with questions related to their company’s history, facts and accolades in the episode. They demonstrated their familiarity with the company and answered each question correctly.  During the episode, Amitabh began by asking about Reliance’s first-ever business. He asked “What business did Reliance begin with?”  and laid out “Spices,  Petrochemicals, Textiles and Polyester” as options. And the answer came out to be spices. 

For those unaware, Mukesh Ambani’s father and Reliance founder Dhirubhai Ambani began a business trading in spices in 1958 with his cousin Champaklal Damani under the nascent venture Reliance Commercial Corporation(RCC). They exported ginger and turmeric to Western Countries. The company soon expanded into other commodities like textiles, and petrochemicals among others. The business grew exponentially taking Reliance Industries to heights. Currently, the company is headed by Mukesh Ambani and reports a consolidated turnover of over ten trillion Indian rupees( as of 2024). 

Meanwhile, the 40th celebration of Reliance on Amitabh’s show was also joined by 200,000 more Reliance employees via video conferencing stretched across  1,000 locations including manufacturing sites, retail stores and Jio points.