Now that Amitabh Bachchan is back home after getting tested negative for COVID-19, he is concerned about jumping back to work. The legendary actor took to his blog and expressed his fear due to his age and the recent order of the Maharashtra government barring all persons above the age of 65 years from shooting and participating in any work on film sets in view of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, Bombay High Court quashed the petition.


Big B wrote on his blog, "There are of course many other anxieties that trouble the mind. Government authorities have stipulated that those at 65 age and above cannot go out to work... For people like me, my profession and my 78 yrs, it's packers then! The Film body that formally we are all associated with did put in a counter to that in the Courts and I believe the Honourable High Court has disallowed the age limit restrictions and so for the moment those above 50 are safe to work .. but Courts and Legal procedures take time and I wonder what shall come out of it. Are there any alternate work jobs for me, that the Ef could in their kindness suggest, in case everything goes down in the Courts?"

As per ANI, one of the pleas read as "As per the list available with the petitioner, there are thousands of people aged above 65 years who were participating in the shooting of programmes prior to the lockdown. The shootings of such films and programmes have been left in between due to the non-availability of such people."