Two days after Anushka Sharma was seen taking a bike ride with her bodyguard, the Mumbai traffic police issued a challan to her bodyguard, Sonu for driving without a license and co-rider riding without a helmet. On Monday, Anushka Sharma was spotted taking a bike ride with her bodyguard, Sonu Shaikh after she experienced a roadblock in Mumbai. Sonu and Anushka both were spotted on the bike without the helmet, and their video went viral on the internet, netizens shared their discontent about it. 


On Wednesday, Mumbai traffic police announced on Twitter that they issued a challan of Rs 10,500 against Sonu alias Mohammad Shaikh. On the Twitter handle, they shared the screenshots of the complaint and challan, and wrote, "Challan has been issued under  Sec 129/194(D), Sec 5/180 & Sec 3(1)181 MV act to the driver along with an fine of Rs. 10500 & been paid by the offender." 

Here's the post

As soon as the officials shared the update on Twitter, the netizens got divided. While a few users applauded the action taken by them. A few others questioned the intention, how did they find out that the driver wasn't carrying a valid license, and the reason behind the hefty challan. An internet user wrote, "but this fine for riding without helmet is too hefty isn't it ! Also how come u know he was not carying valid driving licence.  no one stopped  n checked him. In video it's just no helmet can b seen...pls explain reason of this hefty eChallan." Another internet user wrote, "Please update for every case that is brought to your notice on Twitter, rather than simply saying that so and so traffic division has been informed." A netizen wrote, "Go after the easy guys, the big fish!  BIG DEAL! Ignore the constant breaking of rules and blatant dadagiri prevalent on our roads today - our roads have literally become like the badlands of Bihar and Chambal!" 

Even Amitabh Bachchan shared a photo of taking a ride on a bike, from a stranger, without wearing a helmet. Mumbai Police assured that both complaints will be considered, and then the veteran actor shared on his blog that he was shooting in South Mumbai, with all the official permissions, and he was not breaking any laws.