A lot has been said and done against actor Rhea Chakraborty in the last year, who was also late actor Sushant Singh Rajput's girlfriend. After all the court cases and investigation, the actor is finally trying to get her life back on track and appearing more in public as she awaits the release of her film 'Chehre' with actors Amitabh Bachchan and Emraan Hashmi. 


Now, actor Emraan Hashmi has come out and shared his thoughts on Rhea and the proceedings that had taken place at the time of Sushant's death. He said that what happened with Rhea was completely uncalled for extremely unfair. 

In an interview with Bollywood Hungama, Emraan Hashmi said, "It was so blown out of proportion, this almost media trial that was conducted, was according to me, so lame. You almost destroyed a family's life, right? The entire family. For what? Some conjecture, and some assumptions about something that happened."

He further added, "While we keep that aside and do what is called actual reporting, there are some portals that do that. But if everybody got down to understanding the ethics of that, and everyone followed those ground rules, I think this world would be a better place. Because as common sense prevails, you've got to understand, there is a judicial system. Its sole purpose is to do this. So why does a portion of the media come down with a guilty verdict on someone?"

After Sushant's death, Rhea, his at the time girlfriend was accused by his family of abetting his suicide and misappropriating his funds which led to massive scrutiny across the country in all media outlets. 

Rhea had to spend almost a month in jail due to her alleged involvement in a drug-related case connected to Sushant's death. However, Rhea denied all charges made against her by Sushant's sisters and his father. 

Film 'Chehre' is all set to release on August 27 in theatres. The film is directed by Rumy Jafry, who has also spoken in defence of Rhea. In a recent interview, he said, "I don’t think the film will suffer because of Rhea’s personal life controversy. I will admit that I felt it would have affected the film, had it been released last year. Everyone knows what a furore the media caused with the whole Sushant Singh Rajput case and Rhea’s arrest. Last year, she was a ‘witch’, a ‘golddigger’ and whatnot; this year she was declared as the 'most desirable woman. This shows there has been a change in the perception of people. So, I really don’t feel the film will have an adverse effect because of what happened with Rhea last year."