Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut expressed grief over the demise of PM Narendra Modi's mother Heeraben Modi. On Friday morning, Kangana mourned over the death of Heeraben Modi. Taking to Instagram, Kangana shared a picture on her stories and wrote in Hindi, "Ishwar Pradhan mantra ji ko is kathin samay mein dhairya aur shanti dein. Om shanti."


Prime Minister Narendra Modi's mother Heeraben Modi, who was admitted to a hospital in Ahmedabad, passed away at 100 on Friday morning. Informing about her demise, the Prime Minister posted a heartfelt tweet early Friday morning, "A glorious century rests at the feet of God... In Maa, I have always felt that trinity, which contains the journey of an ascetic, the symbol of a selfless Karmayogi and a life committed to values."

Here's Kangana Ranaut's story

PM Modi recalled his visit to his mother on her 100th birthday this year."When I met her on her 100th birthday, she said one thing, which is always remembered work with intelligence, live life with purity, that is, work with intelligence and live life with purity," PM Modi tweeted.

Here's the tweet

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was scheduled to embark on a visit to West Bengal to launch the developmental projects, may join the events through video conferencing, sources said on Friday. 

Meanwhile, on the work front, Kangana will be next seen in the period drama film Emergency which also marks her first solo directorial film. Emergency revolves around the life of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and features Kangana in the titular role of the late politician. Apart from Kangana, the film stars Anupam Kher, Mahima Chaudhry, Vishak Nair and Shreyas Talpade in prominent roles. Kangana has also announced that she will be seen in Chandramukhi 2, the sequel to Rajinikanth`s 2005 Tamil movie. Apart from that, she will be next seen in Tejas in which she will be seen portraying the role of an Indian airforce pilot. The official release date of the film is still awaited.