Yesteryear superstar Rishi Kapoor reportedly had a meltdown with Sohail Khan’s wife Seema Khan at  Sonam K Ahuja’s wedding reception on May 8. An onlooker said that the senior actor was upset that Salman Khan had looked through him on an earlier occasion and he brought this topic up with Seema. The source added, “Rishi was truly upset and he didn’t mince words while expressing his anger and anguish. However, Seema was obviously the wrong person to show his hurt to because she was neither at fault nor was she aware of the Salman-Rishi incident.’’


Seema, apparently, mentioned the entire thing to Salman, who was also present at the venue, but RK had left by then. So, as of now, the matter stands unresolved. It is being said that Rishi’s wife Neetu Kapoor graciously apologised to Sohail telling him that her husband didn’t mean what he said. Instead, he himself was hurting.

Friends of the Kapoors and Khans are hoping the stand-off between the two families is averted. In fact, Salman’s mother Salma Khan and Rishi’s mother Krishna Kapoor are close and have been friends for decades. Even until recently, they often visited each other. Hope this unpleasant incident is put behind by the Kapoors and Khans and they move on. Neetu has made a beginning by texting Sohail, or so we hear.