Filmmaker Karan Johar on Tuesday announced that he has penned a book, inspired by his own experiences as a single father of twins Roohi and Yash, titled "The Big Thoughts of Little Luv".


In the picture book, which showcases the story of twins Luv and Kusha, Johar will explore the challenges every parent faces, how we tend to raise boys and girls differently among other topics. The book will be published by Juggernaut Books, the filmmaker announced in a post on Twitter.

"Am excited to share something special with all of you....My first picture book for kids ... #thebigthoughtsoflittleLUV! Coming soon!!!! Thank you @twinklerkhanna for putting me in touch with the wonderful @chikisarkar! The picture book will be published by @juggernautbooks," Johar tweeted.

However, this tweet did not go down well with social media users, especially late actor Sushant Singh Rajput's fans, who have called out several Bollywood stars on encouraging nepotism in the Hindi film industry and treating 'outsiders' differently, by not giving them a level play gournd to compete. 

Among the many celebrities targeted by social media users was filmmaker Karan Johar. Consequently, Karan became less active on social media platforms and went into an incognito mode after disabling, limiting the comments feature on his social media platforms.

However, he recently made a comeback when he wished everyone on Onam. Now, when Karan took to social media to announce his book, it irked netizens who slammed him and threatened to boycott his book. 

A user, under the comment section of Karan’s post on Twitter wrote, “Using your children for sympathy.” Another user wrote, “You Boycott the Sushant! Now the people are Boycotting your children's! You are a product of nepotism, that's y you always choose nepotism over real talent. But now people are awaken, your bad Karma will be face by ur children's. Shame on you!.”

"Who r u? Now u tweet something but when your colleague killed by someone, u didn’t even say anything about him... we don’t want to watch your films anymore... Y u did boycott n always making fun of Shushant.... Karan budha just stay at home for the whole life...," wrote another.

In yet another tweet, a user wrote, "Karan how would you feel if your kids are bullied, mocked, humiliated, boycotted on national television the way you did to Sushant? Shame on you. I’m disgusted people like you exist with absolutely no conscience."

Filmmaker Karan Johar is not new to online hatred. He has been trolled on previous occasions as well. Even when he wished Anushka and Virat after their pregnancy announcement, Karan was at the receiving end of a lot of hatred from netizens.