Karisma Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Khan often take a trip down memory lane and share throwback photos of the Kapoor family. On Saturday, the 'Mentalhood' actor took to her Instagram story and shared an unseen photo of her grandparents legendary Raj Kapoor and Krishna Raj Kapoor. Karisma reposted the photo from a fan page and netizens couldn't stop gushing over it. She captioned the photo stating, "Dada and Dadi".


Moreover, even Kareena reposted the post on her Instagram story with a heart emoji. In the photo, Raj Kapoor and Krishna Raj Kapoor are seen walking hand-in-hand and are all smiles while getting clicked. The legendary actor-filmmaker is seen in a shirt and coat while his loving wife wore a salwar suit with a veil on her head.

For the uninitiated, Raj Kapoor was touted as 'The Greatest Show Man of Indian Cinema'. He was bestowed with the Dadasaheb Phalke Award in the year 1987, just a year before he passed away in 1988.

Raj Kapoor married Krishna Malhotra back in 1946 and they have five children - Randhir Kapoor, Rishi Kapoor, Rajiv Kapoor, Ritu Nanda and Rima Jain. 

Krishna Raj Kapoor passed away in 2018, and soon after her children including Rishi Kapoor, Ritu Nanda and Rajiv Kapoor were deceased. 

Earlier, during an interaction with Humans of Bombay, Karisma had recalled her memories with her grandfather Raj Kapoor. She had said, "Growing up, I used to visit my granddad on set and his talent would leave me mesmerised. Once I was there when he was directing 'Ram Teri Ganga Maili'. I loved the sets, camera & lights! I knew I wanted to become an actor and contribute to the family legacy. When I told my granddad, he said, ‘It’s glamourous but it’s not a bed of roses, you will have to work very hard.’ That stayed with me."