Self-proclaimed Bollywood critic Kamaal Rashid Khan aka KRK is known for saying derogatory things about celebrities on social media. Due to this reason, the Twitter handle of Kamaal Rashid Khan was blocked and now he keeps targeting Bollywood star through his YouTube, Facebook and Instagram accounts.


Kamaal Rashid Khan runs a successful business man in the UAE and he lives in a luxurious mansion in Dubai. Kamaal Rashid Khan recently posted some pictures on his Instagram account showing the inside pictures of his luxurious home in Dubai. KRK wrote in his post- My Dubai home. In the pictures shared with the post, you can see the spacious rooms, swimming pool, garden and beautiful lobby of KRK's house Jannat.

KRK is also fond of expensive and royal vehicles. According to a report by, KRK owns vehicles like BMW 5 Series and Toyota Land Cruiser. KRK runs a business in the Gulf countries. He was also a part of the reality TV show Bigg Boss and has made some films which flopped badly at the box-office.

Besides acting in films, Kamaal Rashid Khan has also produced some films. However, Kamaal Rashid Khan failed to taste success in the film business and that's why he decided to quit Bollywood.