Abhishek Bachchan is gearing up to work opposite Shah Rukh Khan in an upcoming project, titled King. According to reports, Abhishek Bachchan would play main antagonist in King. Besides Shah Rukh Khan, Suhana Khan is also going to work in King. It is to be noted that Suhana Khan made her acting debut in 2023 in The Archies, which was directed Zoya Akhtar. It is estimated that Abhishek Bachchan’s net worth is Rs 280 crore. Abhishek Bachchan earns his money from movies, web shows and he has also invested a substantial amount of money in real estate, sports, and some other businesses.


Take a look at the some of the super-expensive and luxurious things owned by Abhishek Bachchan:

1. Apartments in Mumbai

In June 2024, Abhishek Bachchan spent Rs 15 crore to purchase six apartments in Borivali, Mumbai. Earlier, Abhishek Bachchan had spent Rs 41.14 crore to buy a 5-BHK apartment in Skylark Towers.

2. A villa in Dubai, UAE

According to reports, Abhishek Bachchan is the proud owner of a lavish villa in Dubai. The villa is located in Jumeirah Golf Estates, which is regarded as one of the costliest areas of Dubai.

3. Sports teams

Abhishek Bachchan is also the co-owner of an Indian Super League (ISL) football team, Chennaiyin FC, worth Rs 29.8 crore. He also owns a Pro Kabaddi team, Jaipur Pink Panthers, which is reportedly valued at Rs 100 crore.

4. Fleet of luxurious cars

Abhishek Bachchan also owns a Bentley Continental GT, which is worth Rs 3.29 crore. Abhishek is also the proud owner of Audi A8L, which is worth Rs 1.50 crore. Besdies these two super luxurious cars, Abhishek Bachchan also owns a Mercedes-Benz GL63 AMG (valued at Rs 1.6 crore), a Mercedes-Benz S-Class S500 (priced around Rs 1.4 crore) and a Mercedes-Benz S-Class S350d (worth Rs 1.33 crore).

Though Abhishek Bachchan is one the richest actors in Bollywood, his wife Aishwarya Rai is still richer than him with a a reported net worth of Rs 862 crore. Some of the other rich actresses in India are Priyanka Chopra (Rs 650 crore), Alia Bhatt (Rs 550 crore), Deepika Padukone (Rs 500 crore), Kareena Kapoor (Rs 485 crore), Katrina Kaif (Rs 250 crore), and Nayanthara (Rs 200 crore).