Parineeti Chopra recently impressed everyone with her performance in Imtiaz Ali's Amar Singh Chamkila. The actress has now left her fans worried as she shared a cryptic post about 'throwing toxic people out of life' on Instagram. 


On Friday, Parineeti Chopra took to her Instagram and shared a video enjoying nature in a boat ride with the soothing melody of A. R. Rahman, Farah Siraj, and Ani Choying Drolma’s ‘Zariya’ playing in the background. The actress captioned the video, "This month, I took some time to pause and reflect on life and it has reiterated my belief: MINDSET is everything… Don’t give importance to unimportant things (or people). Don’t waste a single second. Life is a ticking clock. Every moment should be your choice… Please stop living for others! Find your tribe and be unafraid of throwing toxic people out of your life. Stop caring about what the world will think. Change the way you react to situations. Life is finite. It is happening now. Live it the way YOU want to live it.”


A post shared by @parineetichopra

Parineeti Chopra's message has left fans worried. One of the fans commented, "I hope you are fine, we are always here with you." Another user wrote, "Did you have a fight with Raghav?" Another comment read, "Is this post meant for someone?" Another user wrote, "Important life lesson you learn after marriage. Anyways, hope you are doing fine." 

Parineeti Chopra was last seen in the movie Amar Singh Chamkila opposite Diljit Dosanjh. The actress played the role of Amar Singh Chamkila's wife Amarjot Kaur in the film directed by Imtiaz Ali. The actress officially stepped into the music industry this year, captivating audiences with her debut live singing performance at the 2024 Mumbai festival. After her debut concert, her husband Raghav Chadha was seen giving a big shoutout to the actress in a heartwarming post and called her his rockstar.