On Sushant Singh Rajput’s first death anniversary, TV actor Ankita Lokhande has shared unseen and candid videos of the late actor, making his fans emotional. The ‘Pavitra Rishta’ fame took to her Instagram and shared a montage of videos of her and SSR. The videos will make you nostalgic as the former couple can be seen doing puja and talking about their life back in 2014. The video also has snippets from their trip where the two can be seen having the time of their lives. Ankita and Sushant dated for the longest time and the videos show the happier times they shared before separating.


While sharing the video, Ankita wrote in the caption, “14th June This is who he was !!! Thankyou Sushant for your part in my journey See you again till we meet again Phir milenge chalte chalte Good bye.”

Ankita and Sushant met on the sets of Pavitra Rishta. They parted ways in 2016 and recalling the same, the Ankita recently told Bollywood Bubble, "I thought that silence is a virtue in situations like these so that the sanctity of the relationship is not affected. I am not somebody who would make a tamasha of my personal life in public. Yes, people misunderstood me. People today come and tell me ‘you left Sushant’ How do they know this? Nobody knows my story.” 

I am not blaming anyone here. Sushant made his choice very clear, he wanted to go ahead in his career and he chose it and moved on. But for two and a half years, I was dealing with so many things. I was not in that state of mind where I could just work. I am not that person who could have easily moved on and started working. So, for me, it was very difficult but my family stood by me,” she added