A couple of days back, Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan's daughter Suhana Khan got graduated from Ardingly college in England. The ceremony was attended by the proud parents who shared the eternal moments on their social media pages too. SRK had shared a selfie posing with Gauri and Suhana straight from her graduation and wrote, "4 yrs have flown by. Graduating from Ardingly. Last pizza...last train ride...and the first step into the real world...school ends...learning doesn’t."


Now, we came across a few photos of Suhana posing with her classmates during graduation party looking drop-dead gorgeous. In the photos, the star kid is seen wearing a silver shimmery strapless top with a high-waisted black pencil skirt. She left her long hair loose open to complete her chic look. Suhana is also seen posing during a group lunch with her friends and enjoying the beautiful weather of England.

Check out the photos below:

On SRK's post for Suhana, filmmaker Shekhar Kapur had written, "We are just the bow, and our children the arrows. We can pull the bow tight and true. Give the arrow all the strength and passion it needs. But ultimately we need to let the arrow go and find its own destiny. And carry with it everyone’s blessing. Go with courage Suhana @iamsrk"

To which the superstar replied, "Thank u for your wishes my friend. U have always been a guiding light and so encouraging to the kids....and the strength for their bow!"

Suhana is likely to enter Bollywood in the near future.