Salman Khan is the 'messiah' of the film industry, this is what filmmaker Nikkhil Advani said about the superstar. Nikkhil has directed the actor in Salaam-e-Ishq and helmed the direction of Khan's production, Hero. However, the filmmaker isn't keen on directing Dabanng star again. In an interview with Lallantop, Nikkhil admitted that while he and Salman share a strong relationship, there is pressure to deliver a blockbuster with him. 


The Kal Ho Naa Ho director said, "Salman Khan films have to make more than Rs 300 cr. If his films do less than that, he feels really bad, and I don’t want that burden. I want to sleep peacefully at night and not carry the burden of making that Rs 300-400 cr (grossing) film. I want to make films that I want to. I love Salman, he is my messiah.”

Nikkhil went on to praise the Maine Pyar Kiya star and said that he's always there for his people, even if he's busy shooting his biggest film. "There is that option of, ‘In case of emergency, please call’, that Salman for me on my phone. I know he will leave everything and come. Even if he is doing the biggest action scene, if someone calls him, he will say, ‘I will go, this one’s in trouble.’ He is the messiah of the industry. But I don’t want to have that stress of Rs 300-400 cr. If it happens, great, but I don’t want that stress,” said the Satyameva Jayate director. 

On the work front, Nikkhil will soon be bringing John Abraham's Vedaa. The actioner is Nikkhil's third collaboration with John after Satyameva Jayate and Batla House. Vedaa also stars Sharvari and Abhishek Banerjee in the key roles. Vedaa will be released in cinemas on August 15. The film will be clashing with Stree 2 and Khel Khel Mein.

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