It's Sunil Dutt's birth anniversary on June 6 and the legendary actor-filmmaker would have been 92 this year. On the occasion of the same, the late actor and politician's children actor Sanjay Dutt and politician Priya Dutt took to their Instagram pages to remember their father. Sanjay shared a childhood photo with Sunil in which they are seen holding hands. The actor wrote, "Always holding my hand through thick and thin. Love you Dad, Happy Birthday!"


Whereas Priya shared a short video filled with Sunil's photos from different years. She captioned her post stating, "My father was a complete Man..... He was great in all the roles he played in his life."

Priya further wrote, "A son, a husband, a father, an Actor, a Political activist and most of all he was a great Humanitarian. I feel the younger generations must know that Sunil Dutt was not just an actor or politician but also way more. He was a spirited man, his life's journey was full of adventure and exploration, in some I was fortunate to be part of, he left a lasting mark on all those he met on that journey. Today we celebrate his life... #father #love."

Sunil Dutt passed away on May 25, 2005. His last movie outing was 'Munna Bhai M.B.B.S.' released in 2003 in which he played onscreen father to his son Sanjay who was seen in the titular role.

Interestingly, Dutt launched Sanjay in the movies with his directorial titled 'Rocky' released in 1981.