Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan's daughter Suhana Khan is a social media star already. Even before making her big Bollywood debut and currently completing her education, the star kid has been a sought-after young celebrity on social media pages. Suhana celebrates her birthday on May 22 and turned 21 this year. Her mom Gauri posted a stylish photo to wish her daughter on her special day.


The ace interior designer wrote, "Happy birthday.. you are loved today, tomorrow and always." 

Her wish has nearly 800 comments and thousands of likes and retweets. We came across a hilarious comment which was a marriage proposal for Suhana.

One of the users wrote, "Gauri ma'am meri Shaadi Suhana ke saath karwado. Meri monthly payment 1 lakh+ hai."

Going by his Twitter DP, it seems like he is a Shah Rukh Khan. Even his tweet has hundreds of likes and hilarious reactions by fellow netizens.

Suhana aspires to be an actor just like her father. However, before coming on screen, she has been clicked by the paparazzi several times and even made public appearances on multiple occasions.

Earlier during her interview with Vogue India, Suhana had spoken about her father's fame. She had said, "I realised quite early on that it was different for us. But I never really thought about my dad being famous. When I was about five, he would come and drop me at school, and people would point and stare. He wasn’t being addressed as Suhana’s dad, which is what I wanted. It confused me. He would want to hug me, and I would push him back in the car. I hated the attention, it made me very self-conscious."