In the latest piece of news, senior actor Shakti Kapoor's son and actress Shraddha Kapoor's brother Siddhant Kapoor has been caught in a drug controversy. Siddhanth was found allegedly consuming drugs at a party Sunday night, as per media reports. He has been detained in Bengaluru's Ulsoor police station. 


As per a report in India Today, the cops acted on a tip-off and raided a party at a hotel on MG Road. When the cops sent several samples of people suspected to have consumed drugs at the party, Shraddha Kapoor's brother Siddhanth's drug test result came out to be positive. Siddhanth was among the six people whose drug test result was positive, as per the India Today report. 

Currently, the police are unable to give clarity on whether the drugs were consumed at the party or whether the individuals had consumed drugs before arriving at the hotel. 

Siddhanth Kapoor has worked as an assistant director on films like Bhagam Bhag, Chup Chup Ke and Bhool Bhulaiya and performed as an actor in movies like Jazbaa, Haseena Parkar and Chehre.

Recently, Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan was given a clean chit by the NCB in the drugs-on-cruise case for which he was arrested last year. After spending nearly a  month in jail, Aryan was let out on bail. And now, citing 'lack of sufficient evidence', the NCB gave him a clean chit.

Notedly, Shraddha Kapoor was one of the celebrities who were questioned by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) over alleged possession of drugs in the Sushant Singh Rajput death case.