Despite being a new mother, Sonam Kapoor has already mastered the art of multitasking. The actor took part in the Karwa Chauth celebrations that her mother Sunita Kapoor hosted at their Mumbai home. She posted a video of herself preparing for the festival while wearing a pink and green silk lehenga. While her makeup was being done, Sonam is also seen breastfeeding her kid Vayu. 


Sharing the video on Friday, Sonam wrote on Instagram, “It’s so nice to get back to the real world with my team, get dressed up and meet people.. love being back in my home ground. Love you #Mumbai with all your scars and cracks you’re magic.” 

The outfits and jewellery Sonam chose for the day are shown in the video. She is shown having her makeup done and having a conversation with the makeup artists as she has her hair blow-dried. She is also seen feeding Vayu while having her makeup applied by makeup experts. Sonam poses in the silk lehenga towards the end of the video after getting dressed. 

Her husband Anand Ahuja commented on the video, “Built for this (bicep emojis) mama @sonamkapoor.”   

On August 20, Sonam and Anand welcomed Vayu. This was Sonam's second family event, following the naming ceremony, where she wore a yellow anarkali and gave the public its first good look at son Vayu. Although she didn't fast, she enjoyed getting dressed up. 

Several celebrities from the film industry attended Sunita's Karwa Chauth event, including Raveena Tandon, Shilpa Shetty, Poonam Dhillon, Natasha Dalal, the wife of designer Varun Dhawan, Neelam Kothari, Bhavana Pandey, and Maheep Kapoor.