Bollywood lost one of its greatest actors, Rishi Kapoor, on April 30 after his two-year-long battle with cancer. His wife Neetu Singh has put on a brave face since then, sharing tributes for the actor but she must also terribly miss her husband. However, through it all, Neetu has found a constant source of comfort in her daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni who has been by her side since her father passed. For the uninformed, Riddhima was in Delhi when Rishi passed away but after seeking necessary permissions, she, along with her family travelled to Mumbai and has not left her mother's side since then. 


Today, she also shared a picture on her official Instagram account with her mother Neetu, twinning with her and said that they are stronger together. She captioned the post saying, "Just us #twinningwithmommy #strongertogether." 

Recently Neetu had also shared and dedicated Gracie Fields’ song Wish Me Luck As You Wave Me Goodbye to her late husband on the one month death anniversary of the actor. The actor shared a decades-old picture of the couple twinning in blue and wrote, "Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye. Cheerio, here I go on my way. With a cheer, not a tear, in your eye. Give me a smile, I can keep for a while. In my heart while I’m away."

Rishi and Neetu tied the knot on January 22, 1980. Before their wedding, the duo appeared in movies such as Kabhi Kabhie, Khel Khel Mein, Amar Akbar Anthony, and Zehreela Insaan, among others.