Superstar Salman Khan on Tuesday said veteran actor Manoj Kumar took away the writing credit of Kranti from screenwriter duo Salim-Javed but later called the writing on the 1981 film "chana jor garam", a popular Indian snack which is a mix of spices and black gram. "Chana Jor Garam" is also the title of one of the songs in Kranti, a patriotic drama starring Kumar, Dilip Kumar and Hema Malini.


Salman, who is the son of Salim Khan, one-half of Salim-Javed, was speaking at the trailer launch of Prime Video's Angry Young Men, a docuseries on the iconic writer duo. "Mr. Manoj Kumar, he has taken away the credit from Salim-Javed. He said that he had written it," Salman said at the event, referring to Kranti.

"Did he," asked Akhtar's son and filmmaker Farhan Akhtar who was also present. "Yeah," Salman replied to Farhan. "We'll have a separate documentary for Manoj ji," said Farhan.

Soon, Akhtar asked Salman to hand over the microphone to him. "I think it is very, very honest of him that he has made this confession," quipped Akhtar.

Salman then said that it is a ‘fact’ that Kumar (87) -- who also directed, edited and produced Kranti -- wrote the film. "He has said 'I used to write it, narrate it to them, and then they used to do so and go away... But he did write it. It was just like 'chana jor garam'," the superstar said. According to the poster of Kranti, Salim-Javed are credited for story and screenplay, while the dialogue credits have gone to Kumar.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by DNA staff and is published from PTI

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