Kangana Ranaut calling out Taapsee Pannu during Judgementall Hai Kya promotions became a talk of the town instantly. The Pink actor was supported by Anurag Kashyap and Kangana's sister Rangoli Chandel slammed him as well. It all started when Taapsee had called Kangana a 'double filter' and in return, the Queen actor and Rangoli called her a 'sasti copy'. Taapsee had earlier reacted by stating to IANS, "I did not reply to that individual because they do not matter in my scheme of things. Why should I pay attention to people who do not matter to me?"


Now during an interaction with Mid Day, Taapsee spoke about how Kangana stating, "If I meet her, I will graciously walk up and say hello to her, or even her sister. It was triggered because I said she needs a double filter. Even Anurag [Kashyap] and I need that. How is that a negative thing? I saw her as an honest person. It's sad that she says a woman cannot call out another woman. I will call out people basis who is wrong and right, and not based on what gender they belong to. Feminism is about an equal platform."

Taapsee further said, "She has always spoken about how a woman should support another woman, but I did not hear any words of praise for my films. There are five women in Mission Mangal. Is she praising us? I am her junior and don't have [as vast] a filmography as her, but I have done a decent number of films for someone to be appreciative of it."

The actor concluded by saying that Kangana exposed herself. She said, "It was a shock because it came from someone I always admired. I felt disappointed. When someone you had put on a pedestal does this, it makes you question if you were right in looking up to her. In my response, I said I am happy being a copy because she is a damn good actress. I am sasta because she claims to be the highest-paid [female actor]. I don't see it as derogatory. Just because she is saying it, doesn't mean it's the ultimate truth. She didn't expose me; she exposed herself. It's awkward but I won't hold it against her. I love her as a performer and will continue to do so."