Dishoom director Rohit Dhawan became a father after his wife Jaanvi Desai Dhawan delivered a baby girl on Tuesday (May 30) at around 1 am at a suburban Mumbai hospital. Needless to say, his brother, Varun Dhawan, daddy David Dhawan and the family are all thrilled with the new addition to their kin.


However, they are yet to decide on a name for the newborn girl. When contacted, David said, “Let them (the mother and the baby) come home first. Then Rohit and Jaanvi can decide on the name. It will take a few days.”

When probed if they have shortlisted any names, the veteran director maintained, “The last few days, we’ve been going to the hospital, so we haven’t had time to discuss the names. After the mother and daughter are home, we shall talk about it.”