Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai's divorce rumours were fueled after the actor liked a post about divorce on social media. Amid this, the actor's video giving marriage advice to Kartik Aaryan and Ranbir Kapoor is now going viral. 


On Friday, a Reddit shared a video of Abhishek Bachchan, Kartik Aaryan, and Ranbir Kapoor talking to reporters during the all-stars football cup tournament in Dubai. In the video, when the reporters asked Abhishek about marriage advice for Ranbir and Kartik, the actor said pointing at Ranbir, "He doesn’t need advice. Look, he decided to get married, she decided to marry him because they are in love with each other, and that’s the only thing that matters. Love each other, respect each other… that’s what matters.”

TBT- Abhishek giving marriage advice to RK & Kartik byu/Suspicious_Vehicle_9 inBollyBlindsNGossip

Ranbir Kapoor then interrupted Abhishek Bachchan and suggested that he should be giving advice to Kartik Aaryan. To this Kartik quipped, "They were saying don’t marry,” prompting laughter. Abhishek then continued, “We’re truly brothers in arms, we take care of our own. Now we’re planning for him.”

Netizens flooded the comment section and some even trolled the actor for giving marriage advice. One of the comments read, "Abhishek should be the last person to give advice on marriage to anyone." Another user wrote, "Aww this is cute. i love when celebs get together like this." Another comment read, "I thought he was going to say something stupid like most husbands in Bollywood." 

Meanwhile, Abhishek Bachchan was last seen in the movie Ghoomer which failed to perform well at the box office. The actor will now be seen in the movie King opposite Shah Rukh Khan. He will be playing the role of the antagonist in the movie. Helmed by Sujoy Ghosh, the film also stars Suhana Khan and is scheduled to release next year.

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