Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Heeramandi was released two months ago on Netflix. That means it has been exactly nine weeks since we have been watching one or the other meme on its lead star Sharmin Segal. Heeramandi, a period drama on courtesans of Lahore’s eponymous red light district, had a strong cast. But Sharmin was the one who stood out to viewers, albeit for the wrong reasons. What began as criticism, soon delved into trolling, and eventually into downright bullying. Sadly, this is a trend we have seen several times before, and may see again.


That Sharmin’s performance lacked depth and nuance as compared to her more illustrious co-stars is no state secret. This piece is not in defence of her performance. It is not even a defence of her as a person. It is simply an afterthought of sorts, a question of when is it enough. Sharmin was trolled over her so-called stoney-faced delivery of a romantic line on the show, and then on her reaction to her on-screen beloved’s death. In both the cases, the actress said she had some artistic justification for playing it the way she did. Critics disagreed as did the viewers. And that is the beauty of performing arts, that everyone is allowed their opinion.

The matter would have rested there had it stayed limited to criticism of her performance. But internet sleuths soon began digging up clips from Sharmin’s interviews where she was allegedly being rude to her much more senior co-stars. It did not matter that these same co-stars were defending Sharmin in public, decrying her online bullying. Sharmin's status as director Bhansali's niece brought out the additional nepotism charge too. The armchair critics were convinced that their latest target was wrong in everything that she did. And the monster that is social media made sure that this messaging was repeated as often as it could be.

The relentlessness of the trolling was what was new. The show came out in the first week of May. And the out-of-context interview clips and memes continued till mid-June. When it stopped being just fun banter and trolling and descended to hurtful bullying, only Sharmin can tell. Maybe it was around the time she shut her Instagram comments and moved away from social media.

Earlier this year, another so-called star kid – Imran Khan – announced his comeback after years away from films. He recalled how many hurtful and negative reviews 10 years ago had shattered his self-confidence, forcing him away from films. He was applauded for his courage and welcomed back with open arms. The hurtful statements that Imran faced came from a few dozen reviewers. Despite their relatively small numbers, they were sharp and damaging enough to pummel an actor in his 30s. Over the last few months, Sharmin has faced several times that. In an age of social media, it is hard to escape that.

Late last month, another young star kid debuted in Bollywood. Pashmina Roshan began her acting journey with Ishq Vishk Rebound. Our own movie critic had few kind things to say about the film or the actress so I shall skip the details (compassion is the base emotion of this piece, for a change). Comments from viewers were even more scathing. One that stood out read, “Sab log sorry bolo Sharmin ko (everyone apologise to Sharmin).” It was a tongue-in-cheek remark, meant not as some sort of endorsement for Sharmin, but as a jibe at their next target. The troll farm has found another mark, it seems. Here’s hoping this time they will know just when to stop.

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