In a move that left fans both surprised and excited, Ranbir Kapoor unveiled a secret project on his 42nd birthday, September 28. The Bollywood star, known for keeping a low profile, made headlines by launching his own fashion and lifestyle brand, ARKS. The mysterious launch post, shared on the official ARKS Instagram page, had no prior warning, but quickly captivated over 31,000 followers. It featured a serene video of Ranbir, lying on a meadow, connecting the stars to form his brand’s logo.


Adding to the intrigue, the post was captioned simply: “Meet the founder. He’s not on social media.” This nod to Ranbir’s well-known absence from social platforms added to the mystique. His wife, actor Alia Bhatt, swiftly responded with fire emojis and shared the launch on her Instagram story, celebrating "new beginnings" with a heart emoji. Ranbir’s mother, Neetu Kapoor, also chimed in with words of support, wishing him "Good luck."

Though this is Ranbir’s first official business venture, the idea for ARKS was hinted at months earlier in a podcast appearance, sparking speculation about what the brand would entail. With ARKS, Ranbir marks a new chapter in his career—one that expands beyond films like Animal, Rockstar, and Brahmastra.

As he embraces the entrepreneurial world, Ranbir also gears up for a major role in Dhoom 4, currently in pre-production. According to sources, producer Aditya Chopra believes Ranbir is the perfect fit to carry forward the iconic franchise. This, along with his role in Love & War opposite Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal, makes it clear: Ranbir Kapoor is poised for more than just cinematic success.