Amid rising prices, the sowing of pulses has increased by 11% while paddy acreage has risen marginally so far this kharif season.


According to Agriculture Ministry's sowing data released on Friday, the area under coverage for paddy has increased to 368.41 lakh hectares so far in this kharif season (summer-sown), from 366.51 lakh hectares in the year-ago period.

Pulse acreage went up to 110.08 lakh hectares, from 99.14 lakh hectares. Farmers are putting more area under this crop in view of a sharp rise in retail prices, which have gone up to Rs 150 per kg.

The total area sown under kharif crops as on September 11, 2015 has reached to 1012.01 lakh hectares as compared to 994.49 lakh hectare last year at this time, an official statement said.

Coarse cereals' sowing area also increased to 180.95 lakh hectares so far this kharif season, from 171.16 lakh hectares in the same period last year.

In non-foodgrain category, area under coverage for oilseeds is up, but sowing has declined for cotton.

Oilseeds sowing went up to 181.19 lakh hectares, from 175.52 lakh hectares. However, cotton acreage fell to 114.75 lakh hectares as against 125.29 lakh hectares.

Monsoon rains have revived in the worst-hit central India and southern peninsula regions that would help boost kharif crops and water level in reservoirs, a top official of Met Department said on Friday.

Monsoon deficit has been at 12% so far this season (June 1 to September 2).