Reliance Industries chairman and Asia's richest man, Mukesh Ambani, got richer by Rs 53000 crore in just 15 minutes on Thursday due to an increase in the share price of Reliance Industries. The billionaire held the company's 47th Annual General Meeting (AGM) today. As soon as Ambani started addressing the shareholders, the company's shares saw a jump of 2 per cent. Due to this, the market cap of Reliance Industries gained more than Rs 53,000 crore.


According to Forbes, he has a real-time net worth of Rs 982287 crore (USD 117.1 billion) as of August 29. Just 15 minutes after Reliance AGM 2024 began, the company's shares rose 2.64 per cent to reach a day's high of Rs 3074.80. While in the morning, the company's stock started at Rs 3014.95 on BSE. But as soon as Mukesh Ambani started addressing the shareholders, at around 2:35 pm, the company's shares started trading at Rs 3050.95 with a gain of 1.84 per cent. This gave a big benefit to the company.

However, Reliance shares closed at Rs 3,042.90 on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) with a gain of Rs 46.30 today. The market cap of Reliance Industries, India's most valuation firm, stands at Rs 20.58 lakh crore as of August 29. The company also announced that its board will consider issuing 1:1 bonus shares on September 5. It had last issued bonus shares in September 2017.

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