India's largest car maker Maruti Suzuki India Ltd launched an all new version of its mid-size sedan SX4 in the country, with price remaining unchanged in the range of Rs7.38-9.79 lakh (ex showroom Delhi)."The all new Maruti Suzuki SX4 has new looks, and also brings new features such as touch screen audio navigation and electronically foldable ORVMs with turn indicator," Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (MSIL) Vice President Marketing Manohar Bhat said in a statement.The car, which has two engines options - the Super Turbo 1.3 litre diesel and the 1.6 Litre VVT petrol engine, has been launched with fresh exteriors and interiors and enhanced performance, Bhat added.The petrol variants of the car are priced between Rs7.38 lakh and Rs8.84 lakh while the diesel versions are priced between Rs8.27 lakh and Rs9.79 lakh.The petrol variants of the car are priced between Rs 7.38 lakh and Rs8.84 lakh while the diesel versions are priced between Rs8.27 lakh and Rs9.79 lakh.The new SX4 comes with many features including an all new touch-screen audio with integrated navigation with Bluetooth.SX4 was first launched in India in 2007. Diesel variant of the car was introduced in 2011. Till now, the company has sold over 1.08 lakh SX4 cars in the country.