Sony Corp said it would postpone the launch of a motion controller, or wireless controlling device, for its PlayStation 3 to the autumn of 2010 from this spring, marking the second delay of a major product release in as many weeks.The controller, when used with a special camera for the PS3, detects the movement of the user's hand and the location of the user, and will likely give Sony more of an edge in competition with Nintendo Co Ltd's Wii game machine.The Wii, which far outsells the PS3 and Microsoft Corp's Xbox 360, features a controller that allows users to direct onscreen play, for example by swinging it like a bat.Microsoft is planning to launch its controller-less game system Project Natal by this year's holiday season. Sony's game division said it is delaying the launch so that more software titles will be available to make the most of the new controller's functions.The delay follows a Sony announcement last week that it would postpone the launch of the latest version of its blockbuster racing game series "Gran Turismo', which was due to be launched in March. A new launch date has not been set.Prior to the announcement, shares in Sony closed down 0.2% at 3,060 yen, outperforming the Tokyo stock market's electrical machinery index , which fell 0.9%.