The potential of robotics until few years back was a hot topic of several round table discussions. Artificial Intelligence (AI) was a trend which is now becoming a reality in many sectors. Of recent, a bank introduced use of robot for dealing with customers calling in India. With huge advancement taking place in the development of more progressive robots, last year a small tech US firm had developed a product which could write content like journalists and writers. With many similar news of automation coming from different parts of the world only arise a big question on the future of human manpower.


Automation causes lay offs

Going two decades back, we know how introduction of computers led to lay off of many employees. While some struggled to learn computer and managed to save their careers, others gave up to the demand of the time by switching jobs where manpower still had relevance. But then sooner or later every sector was tempted to use the modern technology which not only reduced the cost of manpower but also made work process and management a lot easier. Coming to present scenario, introduction of robots in work place can have similar consequences.

Dealing with automation

Robots are smarter, more systematic and error-free than humans. Automation in several process through new products have curbed the requirement of manpower. So, as employee what should one do to save his job when robots are there at doorsteps knocking to take over his job responsibilities?

The foremost thing for any employee is to understand that one should not take backfoot and feel depressed. Acceptance of ever-changing modern technology and finding new opportunities in same job or different job is the key to survive.

Let's consider the scenario of banking sector where robots have entered customer service department. Robots are answering calls and solving customers' queries. However, there is a huge difference when a call is answered by a robot and human. Robot is an artificial thing and humans have emotions attached to every action performed.

When a customer calls, the call is made with a purpose that could be to get a query resolved, or may be the customer is anxious due to some mistakes in transaction or long pending issues that are not resolved. A robot cannot understand the emotional state of the caller but a human can. Upon talking to the customer, the customer call representative gets his or her emotional quotient activated as there is a neurological transmission happening at unknown level of the brain i.e. subconscious brain with the conversation. The brain then gives a command to the conscious or responsive brain to respond in a specific manner to the situation to empathise with the customer and make the customer comfortable. Robot being a pre-programmed machine cannot emote.

Leveraging emotions and creativity for better job possibilities

Though robots can perform jobs but they do not have emotions and creativity in writing, talking, dealing with situation which comes out of emotion and human understanding. We humans are highly creative and emotional intelligent being and as employee, we must leverage on this strength and create better position in our job roles. Robot has limitations as it can only do what it is asked to but humans do not have any limitations and can tap into their horizon of possibilities.

A well said quote from Czech writer, Karel Capek establishes the discussion.

"Robots do not hold on to life. They can't. They have nothing to hold on with – No soul, no instinct. Grass has more will to live than they do."

The writer is executive coach and owner of