Renowned Indian cricket icon Sourav Ganguly has recently taken legal action against a YouTuber for defaming him and using derogatory language in a video posted on social media. The accused individual, Mrinmoy Das, is said to have utilized Ganguly's images, videos, and statements regarding recent events involving female doctors and a murder case in Kolkata.


In the video, Das not only verbally attacked Ganguly but also questioned the necessity of creating a biopic about him while he is still alive. In response to these actions, Ganguly's secretary, Taniya Bhattacharya, has filed a formal complaint with the cybercrime department of the Kolkata police against Das.

"This individual has posted a video on a social media platform that targets Sourav Ganguly, using abusive language and making derogatory remarks, which are harmful to his reputation.

"The content of the video constitutes not only an attack on Mr. Sourav Ganguly but also violates the dignity and respect that every individual is entitled to," the complaint read.

Ganguly faced criticism for his remarks regarding the tragic incident that occurred on August 8 at the RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata.

"Such things could happen anywhere. Incidentally, the tragedy happened within a hospital. Hence it is necessary to maintain proper precautionary arrangements everywhere," he said but later clarified that his statement was misinterpreted by the media.

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