Fearing DU clash, Ambedkar Univ postpones event

Written By Astha Saxena | Updated: Feb 27, 2017, 07:35 AM IST

The event was supposed to be organised on February 23 along with NGO Women Against Sexual Violence and State Repression (WSS)

Fearing a DU-like violence on its campus, the Ambedkar University in the national capital has postponed an event marking the 26th anniversary of the alleged Kunan-Poshpora mass rape in Kashmir.

The event was supposed to be organised on February 23 along with NGO Women Against Sexual Violence and State Repression (WSS) .

Less than 24 hours before the event, the speakers were sent an email informing them that the seminar has been postponed citing the alleged threats to “freedom of speech”.

“The AUD administration want some changes in the shape of the event from the faculty and we will do that and reschedule a date and place sometime in March as you can see the times are bad for the university as a place for free speech and free discussions and critical engagements in our society,” the university said in an email to the speakers of the seminar. Gowhar Fazili, a scholar who was supposed to present a paper entitled Familial Grief, Resistance and the Political Imaginary in Kashmir, confirmed receiving the email.

“The institutions, academicians and activists buckle before Right-wing threats with such ease,” he said. Other speakers were Bhavneet Kaur from Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons, who was slated to speak on The politics of emotion: women’s narratives of memory, resistance and the Everyday in Kashmir, Vanessa Chishti, OP Jindal University — The woman’s question in Kashmir, Iffat Fatima, director of documentary Khoon Div Baarav and Essar Batool, co-author of Do You Remember Kunan Poshpora.