Carrying on with its tirade against the Delhi government, the local BJP leader on Thursday hit out at Arvind Kejriwal for poor health services and 'false propaganda'. He was referring to three-year-old Farhan admitted in LNJP Hospital who has been denied use of ventilator. The family had moved out and reportedly the Delhi government has not provided the equipment to the child even after intervention of the court.


Delhi BJP President Manoj Tiwari said, "Kejriwal has stooped so low in politics that he is not concerned about negligence in the hospitals that fall under his governance. One cannot expect any action against the guilty doctors connected with this incident because there is no place for honesty and sensitivity in Kejriwal's party, he alleged.

"Our party stands with the family members of Farhan and we demand Delhi Government that the medical facilities should be immediately provided to the child."

He also alleged widespread corruption within the government hospitals alongwith private hospitals within the knowledge of the government. Referring to an audit report, he said that the private hospitals have to provide 10 to 33 per cent free surgery to the EWS but only two-three per cent of free surgeries are being conducted. He further alleged that refusal to provide free treatment under the EWS quota was not possible without political connivance because audit is done every year and the concerned information is given to the government.

"In spite of this Delhi government's health department does not take any action against the hospitals at fault. As a result charges are recovered arbitrarily and the persons under EWS category are denied services," the BJP leader said.