
Credit system will give learners autonomy: Mumbai University vice-chancellor

Choice will lie with the students, as the new system will allow students to choose what they want to learn based on their interests, aptitudes, and better student mobility.

Credit system will give learners autonomy: Mumbai University vice-chancellor

Choice will lie with the students, as the new system will allow students to choose what they want to learn based on their interests, aptitudes, and better student mobility.

The new credit system that will finally come into effect in all Mumbai University-affiliated colleges from this academic year, will give students autonomy to choose learning based on their aptitudes, interests, and mobility to move from one institute to another, vice-chancellor Rajan Welukar speaks to DNA. The new credit based, semester and grading system for Arts, Science and Commerce faculty at undergraduate level that will be introduced for the first year undergraduate degree students. This system will be implemented phase-wise from the flexibility point of view.

What is a credit system?
The credit-based semester and grading system essentially implies a redefining of the curriculum into smaller measurable entities or ‘modules’ with the hours required for ‘learning’ these – not ‘teaching’ – being at the primary focus and the development of a mechanism whereby these modules can be combined in different ways so as to qualify for a certificate, diploma or degree. In a sense, therefore, the completion of a single ‘module’ of learning can pave the way for learning other modules either in the same institution or elsewhere and a combination of modules in keeping with the needs and interests of the learners illustrates the much talked about ‘cafeteria approach’ to learning with the Learner at the centre state of all academic transactions.

How will students benefit from the credit system?
Credit system will help bring in a much-required shift in focus from teacher-centric to student-centric education. The workload estimated is based on the investment of time in learning, not in teaching, it helps to record course work and to document learner workload realistically since all activities are taken into account – not only the time learners spend in lectures or seminars but also the time they need for individual learning and the preparation of examinations etc, segments learning experience into calibrated units, which can be accumulated in order to gain an academic award, respects ‘Learner Autonomy’ . Allows learners to choose according to their own learning needs, interests and aptitudes, and many other benefits. It also facilitates the mobility to learner from one Institute to another.

What is a grading system?
In grading system, learners are placed in ability bands that represents a range of scores. These ability bands may vary according to the number of categories for the classification of the performance of the learners. Grading is a far more satisfactory method than the numerical marking system as it reflects on individual learner’s performance in the form of a certain level of achievement in relation to the whole group of learners.

Which other universities have adopted a similar system?
All the major higher education providers across the globe are operating a system of credits. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), the ‘National Qualifications Framework’ in Australia, the Pan-Canadian Protocol on the Transferability of University Credits, the Credit Accumulations and Transfer System (CATS) in the UK as well as the systems operating in the US, Japan, etc are examples of these. After UGC recommendations of 2008 many Universities in the country had also implemented the scheme.

The continuous assessment process could be a little difficult as the burden on teachers will increase; they are already overloaded. Will you offer any incentives to them?
The continuous evaluation process helps both teachers as well as learners. The teachers can measure the learning that has happened of an individual, identify gaps in learning, take appropriate action including strategy of teaching and pedagogy. Learners also can know where they stand at the end of each unit/module and correct themselves so as to help them in enhancing their knowledge. Teaching students and shaping the future generation can never be a burden on teachers. I don’t think teachers take it that way. However, every person has a capacity to give it their best in an efficient manner and therefore, we have taken care of that while implementing the credit system at undergraduate level form academic year 2011-12. The teachers workload is as per the UGC guidelines. We have not made any change in that. UGC has taken care of the incentives in 6th pay commission. However, there cannot be any incentive more than satisfaction.

Why was the implementation of credit based system delayed?
I cannot answer that, but never late than ever.

What is being done to spread awareness amongst the teachers about the credit system?
More than 15 training programmes were conducted for teachers at different cluster centres. A  training programme was conducted for principals at the head office, while some board of studies was conducted for their teachers. The basic structure was also made available on the website. However, more number of workshops are being conducted for teachers in the month of June. A time table is chalked out for that. The credit system is not difficult to understand and teachers and students are intelligent enough to understand it.

Why is there always a delay in the declaration of MU results?
There are many reasons for it, most of the universities are facing these difficulties. In last 10 years the number of institutes and number of students also increased threefold. We should have moved from our archaic method of examination system. To change any system it takes time. Looking at examination system in isolation will not help improving the delay. More concern is to move from quantity to quality and therefore we are trying to move from an examination system to an evaluation system. This year we have introduced technology in the examination department. We may not get immediate results but over a period of time it will show positive results. We are open to new ideas. Comparatively, this year the situation has improved upon delay, however to get complete satisfaction we are striving hard to avoid delay.

What new measures are you going undertake in the examination system?
Introduction of the bar code and OMR system, cluster centres for assessment, credit-based semester and grading system, objectives type questions, monitoring team of deans etc.

Why there is so much delay for securing a gradation from NAAC?
I agree that there is a delay in sending the re-accreditation report to NAAC, however after I took over I immediately took over the matter on priority, formed a team and prepared a report which will be sent to NAAC by the end of June/ beginning of July.

Recently a committee was appointed to discuss student attendance issues. What were the recommendations?
This is the issue which takes lot of time of the vice-chancellor as short of attendance issues comes to the vice-chancellor including the delegation of students representative. This can be avoided, if the rules laid down by the university are followed strictly in spirit and letter. All stakeholders need to cooperate with each other so as to follow the rules and regulations in this respect. The Management Council of the University appointed a committee to revisit the existing ordinances and suggest the measures to the University so as to bring qualitative change. The credit system will also help in improving attendance.

