The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has issued a new circular addressing parents about the registration process for students in classes 9 and 11 and the submission of the List of Candidates (LoC) for students in classes 10 and 12. The board emphasized the importance of submitting accurate information, stating that any mistakes made during registration or LoC submission could cause problems during exams and even after the results are declared.


CBSE has noticed a trend where parents are providing incorrect information during the registration and LoC process. After the exams and even after results are announced, they often request schools and the Board to correct this data. Such requests can include changes in personal details like names and dates of birth, or even subject changes, which disrupt the smooth conduct of exams.

To avoid these issues and ensure the exams proceed without problems, the Board has outlined several key instructions for parents:

Be Careful with Registration Information: When registering your child or submitting their LoC, ensure all the data is accurate and double-check everything before submission.

Correct Personal Details: Information such as your child’s name, date of birth, and the names of both parents must be filled out carefully and accurately for both registration and the LoC.

Use Full Names: Instead of using short forms or nicknames, parents should provide the full expanded names of the students. This is important because official documents in the future may require the full names.

Include Surname: If your child is planning to study or work abroad, it is essential to include their surname, as it is a requirement in many countries.

Ensure the Correct Date of Birth: The date of birth should be verified carefully to ensure it is accurate in all respects.

Check Passport Details: If your child has a passport, compare the registration details with the passport information to avoid discrepancies.

Select Subjects with Care: When filling in the LoC for classes 10 and 12, pay close attention to the subjects chosen. Once the LoC is submitted, no changes to the subjects will be allowed.

Parents Are Responsible: The responsibility for submitting correct data lies with the parents. It is important that parents verify all details before final submission.

Support Schools for Timely Submission: Parents are urged to assist schools in submitting the registration and LoC data on time, as deadlines will not be extended.

For students in classes 9 and 11, the registration deadline is October 16, 2024, and with a late fee, registration can be done until October 24, 2024. For students in classes 10 and 12, the deadline for submitting the LoC without a late fee is October 4, 2024, and with a late fee, the LoC can be submitted until October 15, 2024.

Parents are advised to carefully follow these instructions to ensure the smooth conduct of the examinations.

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