In the Joint Entrance Exam, JEE main Session 1 West Bengal state topper, Ashutosh Agarwal secured 99.99 percentile on his first attempt. The state topper shared a bizarre trick to score better. He said to keep his mind fresh, he slept at the exam centre. 


The JEE main WB topper said during an interview with News18, that he reached the exam centre 45 minutes prior to the scheduled time and took a 15 minutes nap before he had to sit for the exam. The nap helped him freshen his mind. 

The topper revealed in the interview that he had trained his body and mind as per his examination. The JEE Main Session 1 was conducted between June 23 to June 29 and the JEE Main 2022 Session 2 exam is expected to begin on July 25. 

Read: JEE Main 2022 Session 2 Admit Card to release TOMORROW at,, exam from July 25