At the age when most children were learning to explore the world around them, Ankurjeet Singh watched his own world gradually slip into darkness. His eyesight began to fade, and soon, he could see nothing. But even as his vision disappeared, Ankurjeet’s determination burned brighter. What happens when a young boy, faced with a seemingly insurmountable challenge, refuses to let it define him? This is the story of a man who not only lost his sight but also conquered his fears to achieve one of the most coveted positions in the country—an IAS officer.


Born in Yamunanagar, Haryana, Ankurjeet Singh showed academic brilliance from a young age. However, his life changed when his vision started to fade gradually during childhood. By the time he was in school, reading the blackboard became increasingly difficult, and soon, the young boy could no longer see. Yet, this didn’t deter his thirst for knowledge. Supported by his family, especially his mother, who would read his lessons aloud, Ankurjeet continued his education through sheer willpower.

As a student, Ankurjeet always went the extra mile. During summer vacations, while other kids played, he would finish his school textbooks with his mother’s help, ensuring that he would understand the class lectures by simply listening.

In his 12th grade, encouraged by a teacher, Ankurjeet took a daring step—he applied for IIT. Despite his visual impairment, he cleared the entrance exam and secured a seat at IIT Roorkee. Surrounded by friends preparing for UPSC, Ankurjeet found a new challenge to take on. Using screen readers and technological aids, he dove into the UPSC syllabus, studying late into the nights with unwavering focus.

In 2017, Ankurjeet’s hard work bore fruit when he secured 414th rank in the UPSC examination, making him one of the very few visually impaired officers to achieve this feat.

Recently Ankurjeet Singh was appointed as the Additional Commissioner of Jalandhar Municipal Corporation. However, he didn’t stop there. His dedication and commitment were recognized once again when the Punjab Government recently transferred him to the prestigious position of Chief Administrator of the Jalandhar Development Authority. Through his remarkable journey, Ankurjeet continues to inspire others, proving that the loss of sight is no match for a vision backed by determination.