Where there is will there is a way. This popular saying was proved right by the inspiring success story of Yash Sonakia from Madhya Pradesh, who was born blind, but achieved a great feat. 


Since birth, Yash Sonakia battled glaucoma, and at the age of eight, he became visually impaired. His father, Yashpal Sonkia, managed a canteen. Till the fifth standard, Yash did his education in a school for students with disabilities. He was later sent to the normal school,

In 2021, Yash completed a B. Tech from the Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science (SGSITS) in Indore.

"After completing my studies with the help of the screen-reader software, I started looking for a job and applied at Microsoft after learning coding. After an online examination and interview, I have been selected for the post of a software engineer in the company," Yash said in an interview.

Despite numerous hardships, Yash later cleared Microsoft’s online test and interview and secured a job offer from Microsoft, one of the biggest IT companies in the world, at a whopping salary of Rs 47 lakh per year. He has been posted in their Bangalore office as a software engineer.

Talking about his journey, his father Yashpal said, "My son lost his eyesight completely when he turned eight, but we didn't give up as he wanted to become a software engineer. His my eldest son and I also had dreams for him. His dream of becoming a professional software engineer has finally come true after a lot of struggle.”