Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan wishing DNA its sixth anniversary.


Is it more satisfying to you as an actor when you do a film that gives out a social message?As an actor the most satisfying thing is what you are doing. I don’t go out looking for a role thinking I’m going to change the society. Though I know there are many actors who get into the role with the conviction that I must support this film or role because it is their own personal belief. I am not such an intelligent person (smiles), so I cannot say with authority that this is right. I do a film because I like the story. I like the person I’m working with. I like my colleagues. And I think that makes a difference to the film.

Were you much of a party person?These are expressions of today's generation — ‘partying’ is like an event. A party is a party. But when you convert it into a network, it has different connotations. You have to understand that this whole concept of disco and clubbing was not there then.

Somehow it has now achieved its own life, and youngsters are drawn to it. It is considered very natural to go pubbing or clubbing, whatever it is.

You are also perceived as a style icon. How much of it has to do with the fact that your mom (Teji Bachchan) was very stylish too…Yes, I imbibe whatever little I have from her. She was the best. She was born in Lyallpur (now Faisalabad in Pakistan) and grew up in Lahore. When she married my father and came to Allahabad, there was a big talk that it was perhaps the first intercaste marriage in the conservative society of Allahabad. There are many memories that even now some people write about it. My mother taught for a while in the university, and the students used to wait in the corridors (for her). Every time you walked into a certain corridor, you could know she’d walked past because of her perfume.

As an active blogger, do you still connect to pen and paper? Or keep a diary?No, but whenever I get an opportunity I want to write something with the pen everyday, because otherwise you forget. As it is my handwriting is going weird. And I’m fearful I won’t be able to sign my own cheques (smiles). So just to keep that going…

Does that love for writing come from your dad (late  poet Harivanshrai Bachchan)?Yes, I guess. It’s in my genes, but to compare me to my father is very audacious.

Would you want to write a book?No

Would you want someone else to write a book on you?No

Have you ever considered direction?I have never thought about it. But who knows, tomorrow is another day. I want to get educated. I’d love to get a tutor to teach me music or to play a piano or to learn how to sing or to learn a language — French, German, Russian or our own languages. They are so beautiful. If I was to change my line, I’d love to educate myself even though it’s a little late to get back to college.