How has life changed since the success of your debut novel The Cure?My day-to-day life hasn’t changed, nor did I want it to. I wrote The Cure because I absolutely loved the story — I found it rich and real and inspiring — and something that spoke to the meaning of life. I planned to finish the book and return to my job as a journalist at the Wall Street Journal — and I continue to do the same job today.Did you get to meet Harrison Ford or Brendan Fraser who star in the Hollywood adaptation of the book, Extraordinary Measures?Harrison Ford and the producers bought the rights to my book before I wrote it. They bought it based on my book proposal in 2004. From then on, I worked closely with the screenwriter they hired, Academy Award nominee Bob Jacobs, as he wrote the screenplay.My husband, children and I did go to the filming in Portland, Oregon, last April to be on set as the filming was going on. We met Harrison Ford and Brendan Frazer on the sets.We were struck by what a science geek Harrison Ford had turned into — he was obsessed with getting every little science detail right. And we enjoyed Brendan Frazer’s comic exuberance. Any plans of The Cure being adapted into a Bollywood movie?It hasn’t been adapted as yet, but it would make a great Bollywood movie.What are you working on next?I’m working on more of a personal story — a multi-generational story of my father’s Punjabi family fleeing Pakistan during the partition, settling in Mumbai and sending my dad to the US to study, and then his return as a westernised businessman with his American wife.