Veteran actor Dharmendra was recently seen taking part in his grandson Karan Deol’s wedding festivities. But his second wife, Hema Malini, and daughters, Esha and Ahana Deol, were not seen at the wedding. Now, the veteran actor took to Instagram and dropped a photo with Esha Deol, along with a note stating that he loves and respects all his children. He mentioned that his age was taking a toll on his well-being because of which he couldn’t talk to them personally. As a result, he conveyed his sentiments through the post. Esha Deol responded with a heartfelt message, expressing love for her father.


Dharmendra post for Hema, Esha and Ahana

Dharmendra's emotional post read, "Esha, Ahana, Hema, and all my darling kids……loving Takhtani’s and Vohra’s l love you and respect you all from the core of my heart……age and illness is telling upon me I could have spoken personally to to you ……..but.”

Esha Deol reacts

Esha Deol also took to Instagram and posted a picture from her wedding album. The picture featured the actress and her husband, Bharat Takhtani, posing with Dharmendra and Hema Malini. She captioned the post, "Love you papa. You are the best. Love you unconditionally & you know that. Cheer up & always be happy & healthy. Love u."

A couple of days after Karan Deol's wedding, Esha Deol penned a congratulatory post for her nephew on his big day. She wrote, “Congratulations Karan and Drisha. Wishing you both a lifetime of togetherness and happiness. Lots of love.”

Dharmendra and Hema Malini's relationship

Dharmendra tied the knot with Hema Malini back in 1980. However, he was already married to Prakash Kaur at the time and even had four children — Sunny, Bobby, Vijeta, and Ajeeta.

Dharmendra's first family also was missing from sisters Esha and Ahana Deol's weddings in 2012 and 2014, respectively. The two families have never made any social appearances together.

Esha Deol mentioned in Hema Malini's biography, Hema Malini: Beyond the Dream Girl, that she ties a rakhi to half-brothers Sunny and Bobby Deol every year. She added that she looks up to Sunny Deol as a “father figure.” The actress revealed that she knows that the world talks about their relationships in different ways, but the Deol family members do not wish to show off their relationships.