After starring in SS Rajamouli’s Baahubali franchise, actor Prabhas has become a name to reckon with, both with the national and international audience. The actor will next be seen opposite Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor in Saaho, which is being touted as his Hindi film debut. 


But now in a recent interview to a leading daily, Prabhas has clarified that Saaho will not mark his Hindi film debut and revealed that a romantic film will be his Bollywood debut. He further stated that that he had already finalised a Bollywood movie three years ago, and will soon be working on it after he wraps up of Saaho. “I watch a lot of Hindi films. I live in Hyderabad, where 60 percent of the people speak Hindi. I am getting good offers from Bollywood. I had okayed a script three years ago. It is a love story that I will do post Saaho.”, he said.


In the interview, Prabhas also spoke about his bond with ace director Karan Johar post the success of Baahubali. “I made a good association with Karan Johar. If I want anything, I think I can ask him. He has helped us a lot. In fact, I met some actors (from Bollywood) in Karan’s house. They were all very chilled out,” said the actor.

Well, it would be interesting to see the action star feature in a romantic flick. Certainly, Prabhas is all geared up to break away from his shell and explore more genres as an actor.

Meanwhile, Saaho is an action thriller film, which has been simultaneously shot in three languages – Tamil, Hindi, Telugu. Saaho is scheduled to hit theatres on October 23, 2018 on the occasion of Prabhas’ birthday.