Even as the world wonders about Mona Lisa’s eyebrows, Vikas Hotwani traces down artist Gopal Swami Khetanchi who captures the Indian version of the beauty

MUMBAI: So when was the last time you heard someone saying that Indian women are undoubtedly the most beautiful creations of the Almighty? Chances are, not so long ago. Beauty is subjective, true! But when it’s inherent in the culture you belong to; the combination is a heavenly treat.

That’s the idea the art works of artist Gopal Swami Khetanchi put forth. Known for giving a unique Indian touch to his works, Khetanchi’s upcoming exhibition at the Nehru Centre gives a glimpse of his ‘Indianised’ versions of classic European paintings. “All the master paintings are always a huge source of inspiration. Every time I reproduce my version of the painting, I openly call it a tribute.

There’s so much to learn from them. That’s the reason why with every painting, I also give a small reference to the original with brief information on the artist,” says Khetanchi. The exhibition will have paintings inspired from classics like Mona Lisa, Birth of Venus, Great Odalisque and many more.

All the paintings have been given a unique Rajasthani touch, be it the robes or the background courtesy; it’s the artist’s acklowledgement to his state. “To me, Rajasthani beauty has an essence that appeals like nothing else. The way the women dress borders on covering their body and showing it off. There’s a mystery, an essence,” says Khetanchi of his romance with the state.

“For a simple example, a ghoonghat covering half her face is any day more enticing than the face itself. Her beautiful clothes sensuously running over her bare feet at times will arouse stronger emotions than complete nudity,” he continues.

However, for those who feel blending the spirit of West with the looks of East is an easy task, hold on! “Firstly, I play with the features, from European to Indian. The concept of beauty in India is much different. Also, I don’t paint the figures completely nude; one major reason being to avoid any unnecessary controversies,” adds Khetanchi.

Lastly, does the artist himself believe that Indian women are the most beautiful women on earth? “The concept of beauty is different for everyone and is more genetic. An African man would find an African woman more appealing. It’s very subjective,” he smiles.
