Charlie Sheen has revealed that he wants Black Swan star Mila Kunis to join his pack of 'goddesses', which already includes porn actress Rachel Oberlin and model Nataly Kenly."Here's the good news: my goddesses have already f---ing approved her," the New York Daily News quoted him as saying during his Violent Torpedo of Truth show in Columbus. "She's pre-approved!"When interviewer Joey Scoleri asked whether the 45-year-old actor could handle an additional woman, Sheen insisted "a warlock can manage so many goddesses."And Sheen already knows how to woo the beautiful actress."You know what I'm gonna do? I'm going to go on her Facebook page and discover her likes. I'm going to buy them all and then she can come steal them," he said. "A super f---ing hot thief named Mila Kunis. 'Mila, please, we have a warehouse full of your favorite s--t for you to steal in Sherman Oaks,'" he added.