Debutant filmmaker Vikram Ahuja talks about his movie 'Do I? '

Written By Ritushi VK | Updated:

'The film has a very basic premise. It takes two completely opposite emotions — fear and happiness — and throws them together,' said Ahuja, who has done theatre and was part of a Salsa dance group in Bangalore.

It’s a brand new platform — one that promotes new talent in a rather unique way. UTV World Movies called on upcoming filmmakers to present their short films and the best ones will now be aired on the channel. After Hrs caught up with one of the winners, filmmaker Vikram Ahuja, to find out all that went into his project. Here are the excerpts...

Were you always passionate about film making or did you have other prior interests?

Do I? is my first film, so this is literally my first attempt at trying to make a film. Prior to this, I have done theatre and I used to dance Salsa with LVDS, Bangalore. I guess the commonalities between the three are the need to express and entertain. Unlike live performances, I like how film is a medium that can be repeated over and over again and each time, it brings out a new perspective to the viewer.

What was the inspiration behind your movie?

The film has a very basic premise. It takes two completely opposite emotions — fear and happiness — and throws them together. And it’s funny, how in life these two contradictory emotions often occur together. The film was based on a lot of observation of friends around me who were at the brink of this amazing point of their life, but were still afraid of something. It’s a story about coming to terms with one’s fears and dealing with one’s biggest enemy — themselves.
Tell us a little about the movie and what viewers can expect from it.
Without giving away the plot, I think the film brings to life an exaggerated view of how men think and act. It’s a story that all men will relate to and hopefully give women an insight into the complex mind of a man. But in all seriousness — expect a thrilling roller coaster with an ending that will have you surprised!

Was winning the UTV World Movies Short Film Competition your first big break?
Winning a competition done by a media powerhouse such as UTV is an amazing achievement! This is my first big break and I’ve received a lot of praise and support from friends and family alike. It’s great to know that I can justify their faith and I thank the channel for taking such an initiative to support creativity and films. UTV is a huge name in entertainment and I’m confident that this is only just the beginning.

What advice to you have for present film makers who are struggling to get their first big break?
Self-belief. I think we can move mountains if we believe in ourselves. I had an idea and I was determined to execute it, only because I believed in my own conviction. And secondly — I think you need to understand your passion and follow it. And thirdly — don’t try and do everything yourself. I think it’s important to understand your own limitations and the strength of people around you. I had friends I could count on and I asked them for help when I was stuck and I learnt a lot along the way. Too often, people try and be superstars and skip the learning curve.