Veteran actress-producer Hema Malini who is thrilled about her upcoming film Tell Me O Kkhuda which brings together onscreen the father-daughter duo of Dharmendra and Eesha Deol for the first time, says that the role played by her actor-husband was initially offered to Amitabh Bachchan."We had offered a role to Amitji for this film. But due to some reasons it did work out. I am glad that things did not work out with him and that is the reason Dharamji is in the film," Hema told reporters here last evening after unveiling the first trailer of her film.Produced and directed by Hema, Tell Me O Kkhuda, a drama, tracks the story of a girl's passionate quest to know her origins. The film stars daughter Eesha Deol, Dharmendra, Vinod Khanna, Rishi Kapoor, Arjan Bajwa and Sudhanshu Pandey.Dharmendra starred with both his sons-- Sunny and Bobby Deol-- in Apne and subsequently in Yamla Pagla Deewana'but this is the first time the legendary actor is sharing screen space with his daughter Eesha.Meanwhile, the original dream girl of Bollywood has reunited with Bachchan on-screen after four years with a cameo in Prakash Jha's 'Aarakshan', which hit the screens today.Hema, in the recent years, has worked with Big B in films like 'Babul' (2006), in Yash Chopra’s 'Veer-Zaara' (2004), Ravi Chopra's 'Baghban' (2003).The movie is scheduled for release on September 30.