Critically lauded filmmaker Dibakar Banerjee is joining hands with the production banner Yash Raj Films (YRF) for the first time to helm "Detective Byomkesh Bakshy!", featuring Sushant Singh Rajput as the popular detective."We're rebooting Byomkesh. Right back to his first ever case," Dibakar, who is also co-producing the project, said in a statement.The movie will be set in contemporary interpretation of war torn Calcutta, now known as Kolkata, during the 1940s. It will follow the first adventure of Byomkesh, fresh out of college, as he pits himself against an evil genius who is out to destroy the world."It's his wits against the most villainous arch criminal, in a world of murder, international political intrigue and seduction," said Dibakar, who has earlier directed movies like Khosla Ka Ghosla, Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye! and Shanghai.The movie is first in a series that will feature the country's widest read and best known detective character for the first time in a Hindi feature film.The role of the protagonist will be essayed by Sushant, who has been on a roll since his debut Bollywood film Kai Po Che hit the screens."Sushant has that dormant volcano thing about him that is just right for my Byomkesh," said Dibakar, adding how "he (Sushant) looks so quiet, so self-absorbed and withdrawn — till you challenge him"."Then he explodes and becomes the most dangerous man in the world - at least for the criminals," he added.The director and the lead are working hard to get the character, feel and the spectacle of the period thriller, which will go on floors January 2014.It will be ready for release December 12, 2014.