Director and entreprenuer Prem Raj Soni aims to create equlibrium of talent through his visionary platform Exchange 4 Talent, where any individual can showcase and trade their talent. In an exclusive conversation with DNA, Prem opened up about his intiative and also shared how it works.


"Exchange 4 Talent is an Indian start-up company, completely original in its thought, and its intent is to give jobs to people across India and take them to the globe. For example, if there is a guitarist in Jaipur who is very versatile but does not have got opportunities to showcase his talent, Exchange4Talent app will do that. They can sell their talent anywhere in the world and get an opportunit to perorm on an hourly basis, and that's how they can get an audience for themselves", Prem said talking about his app.

When Prem was asked on why exactly did he feel the need to launch Exchange 4 Talent, he said, "Basically, I come from a very humble background. I came to the industry, struggled, and made my way up. I experienced difficulties in connecting with people. It's no really easy to showcase your talent and I thought our platform could give the same chances to people at the comfort of their homes. I thought this was a great idea where people can be at their own place and still monetise their talent."

Explaining how the Exchange 4 Talent app works, the director stated, "We are an app where a user comes, registers, uploads their videos, their bios and their contact details direcly on the app. Now, when your contact details are directly on the app, if I need to get your services, I can simply press Hire Now and get in touch with you. We have recruiting companies already registering on the app and they are going to keep increasing. We currently have food and hospitality companies, production companies, real estate builders. This service for the recruiting companies is absolutely free lifetime. They don't need to pay us anything, they just need to put their credentials on the app and post for recruitments at any given point."

Apart from Prem Raj Soni, the other two co-founders for Exchange 4 Talent are chef-turned 2nd-generation real estate developer Latish Hiranandani, and entrepreneur Rohit Sharma. With a mission to democratise talent exchange, the trio aims to create a global community of talented individuals who can collaborate and support each other.